Arizona rental assistance is a program from the federal and local governments aiming to assist individuals with their rental, housing, and utility problems. These programs mainly provide financial assistance for eligible individuals.
Social Security Disability Insurance or better known as the SSDI is an insurance program of the Social Security Administration (SSA) that provides benefits to individuals who could not attend their job due to a disability. Individuals who are considered eligible for this program are those who have worked for a long enough time and have been able to pay tax contributions to the SSA.
Moreover, applicants should meet the program’s medical criteria to be able to receive disability benefits. If you want to know more about this program, read further.
There are two major requirements you must meet to be determined eligible for disability insurance:
Work Credits
Work credits refer to the credits you earned through the wages you received within a year or it also refers to the income generated for self-employed individuals. Usually, an employee can earn about 4 credits in a year.
Take note that the number of work credits you earned will be used to determine your eligibility for disability insurance. The SSA’s required number of work credits depends on the applicant's age.
Usually, they require about 40 work credits, 20 of which are earned during the last 10 years of employment until the year you get disabled. However, younger workers can avail themselves of insurance even with fewer work credits.
SSA’s Definition of Disability
To be qualified for disability insurance, you must meet the following requirements:
Take note that the SSA follows these standards in determining your eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance. Short-term disabilities or partial disability is not covered by this insurance. If you were not able to qualify for SSDI, you can acquire support from other resources like unemployment benefits or compensation, savings, or other insurance policies.
There are three ways of application that you can choose from when applying for SSDI, which are the following:
The Application Process
Below is the application process when applying for disability insurance:
Take note that during your application, the SSA may request more documents and records, thus it is crucial to make sure that you have with you the documents that you think might be needed on your application.
A mail will be sent to you upon completion of the application process telling you whether your application is approved or not.
The Evaluation Process
When applying, always keep in mind the 5 questions that will determine your eligibility for disability insurance:
If you successfully answered these questions, your application has a bigger chance to be approved.
How Much To Receive?
The number of benefits you will receive upon successful application will depend on your lifetime average earnings that you acquired while working before the onset of your disability. The earnings are part of your wages that is paid to the SSA.
Both the Social Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs are substantial SSA programs that offer benefits to the disabled. The difference between the two though is the qualifying requirements:
Yes, it is possible to receive from both programs so long as you meet both of the programs’ requirements (limited resources and qualifying work history).
Upon your application, you might wait for an average of 3-5 months of processing before your application will be approved or rejected.
If you believe that your application has been rejected wrongfully and that you know that you fit the program’s qualifications, you can ask for help from the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representative so that they can represent you.
Arizona rental assistance is a program from the federal and local governments aiming to assist individuals with their rental, housing, and utility problems. These programs mainly provide financial assistance for eligible individuals.
Stretching your food budget while enjoying hot meals can be a challenge. Fortunately, the SNAP Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) allows you to use your EBT card at select restaurants in participating states. Explore diverse restaurants and expand your culinary horizons!
The Fourth Stimulus Check is a part of the American Rescue Plan passed by Congress in March 2021 and signed by President Biden. This stimulus check includes direct payments of up to $1,400 for individuals or up to $2,800 for married couples filing jointly.